About the Vaginalogue


Calling women everywhere, let me ask you:


  • Have you ever been confused about the mechanics of your downstairs?
  • Ever stumped a qualified doctor with your very existence?
  • Having trouble remembering that one biology lesson on bodily anatomy?


If the answer to any of the above is yes (and I’m almost certain it is), I have one more question for you:


Did you struggle to find help, support or information?


So did I.


Despite popular opinion, we don’t talk about women’s bodies enough. Yes, we talk about Kim Kardashian’s jaw dropping curves or the latest in plastic surgery but when it comes to the nitty gritty, information is thin on the ground… Sure, our bodies are beautiful, and mystical, but they’re also sometimes downright gross.

After my own experiences I wanted to open up a dialogue, or perhaps better put, a vaginalogue…

What is The Vaginalogue?


The Vaginalogue is a blog for any woman who’s ever been mystified by her beautiful flesh palace. Navigating the female body in all its confusing, oozing, glory – one cervical erosion at a time. Together. Because, a lot of weird stuff goes down when you’re growing up, giving birth, undergoing surgery, merely existing. Stuff that can be scary when you think you’re on your own.
The idea of The Vaginalogue is to open up a dialogue about the icky bits of daily life for a woman that we so seldom talk about in the public domain. We want to combat the ‘mystical’ nature of women’s bodies, the unknown, the unsaid. Not only this, but the lack of information and resources available for women on sexual, physical and mental health leaves it tricky to talk about in privacy to family, friends or doctors. This lack of information discourages women from opening up about their bodies, health or experiences.


We want to put an end to that through sharing our experiences online, to let eachother know that we’re not alone.


If this, anything like this, or anything completely unlike this has ever happened to you – we want to know in the hope that, together, we can all feel a little less alone. In a time when funding to women’s resources and health care is being cut in the UK, let’s be loud and proud about the problems that are often silenced and seldom explored.


If you’re a self-defining woman with a story to share, anonymously or otherwise, then please send submissions to thevaginalogue@outlook.com.

